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Curriculum Vitae


B.S. degree in physics in 3/2008 from Tohoku University
M.Sc. degree in physics in 3/2010 from Hokkaido University
M.A. degree in arts and science in 3/2013 from University of Tokyo
Ph.D. degree in arts and science in 3/2016 from University of Tokyo

Research experience

4/2016~3/2019  Graduate School of Frontier Sciences,The University of Tokyo, Project Researcher : Research on data-driven science in Masato Okada's Lab.
4/2019~12/2022  The Institute of Statistical Mathematics,Research Centre for Statistical Machine Learning, Project Assist. Prof.: Research on statistical machine learning in Kenji Fukumizu's Lab.
1/2023~  Hitotsubashi UniversityGraduate School of Social and Data Sciences, Associate Professor: Engaged in research on data-driven science with interpretable AI

Teaching experience

10/2021~ Hitotsubashi University Part-time lecturer 「Introduction to AI」
4/2021~ Rikkyo University Part-time lecturer 「Data science practical training」
4/2020~7/2020 Tsukuba University Part-time lecturer 「Mathematical Sciences 1(Differential and Integral Calculus)」
9/2019~ Seijo University Part-time lecturer 「Data Science Applications」「Advanced Programme in Data Science」


SWARM2019: The 3rd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, Best Paper Award Finalists
Takayuki Niizato, Kotaro Sakamoto, Yoh-Ichi Mototake, Hisashi Murakami, Yuta Nishiyama, Toshiki Fukushima (2019)
Best Presentation Award, 1st Public Symposium, Tokyo University of Science, Department of Interdisciplinary Brain Research (2017)
National Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Knowledge 2016 Annual Conference Award (2016)
SWARM 2015: The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, Best Student Paper Award Finalists (2015)


National Research and Development Corporation
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)Unexplored Challenge 2050(22100843-0) Research Representative
‘Creation of Materials Pattern Informatics for Innovative Ceramic Material Design’
Period: 2022-08 to 2025-07
Wakate Study (No.22K13979) Research Representative
'Developing machine learning methods for discovering unknown symmetries in pattern dynamics'
Period: 2022-04 to 2027-03
Mathematical structure extraction of pattern dynamics using interpretable AI and its application to materials informatics.
National Science and Technology Agency, Strategic Creative Research Promotion Programme (PRESTO)
Period: 2021-10 to 2025-3
New Academic Field Research (Research Field Proposal Type) (No.20H04648) Research Representative
'Building a reduced model of the pattern formation process through topological data analysis.'
Period: 2020-04-01 2022-03-31
Joint Utilization of the Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences (General Studies 2) (No.2020-ISMCRP-2069)
'TDA analysis of ferromagnetic domain pattern formation processes.'
Period: 2020-04-01 2021-03-31
Joint Utilization of the Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences (General Studies 2) (No.2020-ISMCRP-2070)
'A review of methods for applying algebraic geometric learning theory to physical data analysis'
Period: 2020-04-01 2021-03-31


Affiliation:Graduate School of Social and Data Sciences, Hitotsubashi University (Mototake Lab.)
Address:Room 227, East Main Building, 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo 186-8601
Telephone:042-580-9222(Direct communication)
E-mail : y.mototake-at-r.hit-u.ac.jp